Grubworms are one of the most common insects in Bartlett and can quickly damage an otherwise beautiful, healthy lawn. These insects have become especially troublesome during certain times of the year when they feed on root systems below ground and cause various types of damage to properties.

Grub control is vital to maintaining the health and appearance of your lawn. While most homeowners do not recognize them as a problem until it's too late, they can easily spot their larvae when digging through soil or turning over sod. There may also be telltale signs of grubs, such as wilting grass, yellow patches, and dead areas—all symptoms of extensive grub activity underground. In this article, we will discuss grubs and how to keep them from damaging your property.

What are Grubs?

Grubs are white or grayish larvae of different species of scarab beetles. They have brownish heads, brownish or blackish hind parts, and are found curled up when touched. Female beetles lay eggs in the ground, where they hatch into grubs and can stay there for ten months or even two years. During mild weather, these grubs mainly reside between 1-3 inches below the soil surface; however, they tend to go deeper into the soil during winter.

Types of Grubs

Grubworms come in three main types: Japanese beetles, European chafers, and June beetles.

  • Japanese beetle grubs are the most commonly seen in Bartlett, with a white body and a brown head.
  • European chafer grubs are similar in size to their Japanese beetle counterparts but have a longer body and a tan or yellowish-brown head. These grubs can cause extensive lawn damage, especially if left untreated for long periods.
  • June beetles have white bodies with dark brown heads. They are typically larger than the other two types and can cause more damage to lawns.
close up of a grub in the dirt

How do They Affect Lawns?

Grubs feed on the grassroots at about an inch depth below the soil surface which can damage your lawn severely over time. If there is a high concentration of these grub larvae in one place, animals such as moles and skunks may tear up your yard to use them as food.

grub damage on a lawn, brown patches and brittle grass

Warning Signs of a Grub Infestation

Grubs can cause extensive damage to your lawn if left untreated for long periods. Several warning signs may alert you to a grub infestation:

  • Wilting or yellowing grass, especially in specific patches.
  • Areas of dead or dying grass will not recover even with watering.
  • Discolored or sunken patches of lawn.
  • Animals such as moles, skunks, and raccoons digging up the lawn in search of food.

Treatment Options to Get Rid of Grubs

You can use a few different methods to get rid of grubs on your Bartlett lawn. The most common treatments involve either chemical or biological controls.

  • Chemical Controls: Chemical controls use insecticides to kill the grubs and stop them from damaging your lawn. You can purchase these products at any local garden center or hardware store. Please read and follow the instructions carefully to ensure safe and effective use.
  • Biological Controls: Biological controls are a safer alternative to chemical controls and involve using beneficial organisms such as nematodes or beneficial fungi to help control grub populations. These organisms are applied directly to the soil, where they will hunt down and feed on the grubs.

How Herbi-System Can Help

Grubs can be a significant problem for any lawn, but with the proper knowledge and treatment options, you can keep your Bartlett lawn healthy and insect-free. The lawn experts at Herbi-System are here to help. Contact us today for professional lawn insect control in Bartlett and the surrounding areas.

